Friday, May 8, 2009

Tale of the Tape (or scale, or whatever)

Yes, it has been a while. This blogging thing is hard to keep up. I guess it just hasn't become a habit yet.

So I thought I would edge back gingerly onto the ice with a physical fitness update.

I have been changing the way I eat and getting regular exercise for about 5 weeks now, and can happily say that I have lost 16 pounds, which is pretty sweet. I have more tellingly lost 3 inches off my chest, 3.5 off my waist, and 1 off my hips. The change in shape is probably a more clear indicator of improvement than the scale, but the scale is easier to measure.
The most important indicator is how I feel. I feel great. I can really notice an improvement in my fitness level. I'm stronger, faster, tougher, more flexible than I was even a month ago. This is the good stuff. This is what it is all about.

The demon cola has been banished for now. I had one drink of the stuff in early April, and none since. Even with a ridiculously stressful event at work a couple of days ago, I managed to avoid temptation. I still keep a couple of cans in the refrigerator at work, and a half dozen in the basement at home, as much to be able to show that I am _not_ an addict as anything else. To know that I could have one whenever I wanted, but simply choose not to. I guess that means it is not really a demon at all - just something that isn't particularly good for me and that I no longer need.

What about all the rest of the Great Work? All that soul-searching and what-not that was supposed to result in a new, improved, kinder and gentler Me?
Well, it seems to be on hold for the most part right now. If I am working on any part of that right now, it is my tendency towards irritability and quick anger. Is it working? No. I have yet to dip deep enough into the cauldron of thoughts and emotions that is my brain to figure that one out yet. Much easier right now to simply work up a good sweat and feel good about that. The rest will come in time. Healing the body will go far in healing the mind and spirit, I think.